
Pastor's Blog

Reentry Protocol Letter

Reentry Protocol Letter

Pastor Scott - October 5, 2020

In-Person Worship Covenant

Beginning October 18, 2020

Christ Providence Campus

9:00 Traditional Worship—100 persons

11:00 Contemporary Worship—100 persons

With Governor Cooper easing restrictions with Phase 3 of the COVID protocol, we are now allowed to have 100 persons per worship service. Beginning on October 18 at the Christ Providence Campus, we will be starting two limited-number in-person worship services in addition to continuing our virtual online worship. 

In doing so, we seek to fulfill what Jesus described as the two greatest commandments.  The first one is Love the Lord your God with all of your heart and soul and strength and mind. Corporate worship has always been at the heart of our spiritual lives.

Luke 4:16 He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom

Hebrews 10:24, 25 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together,

The second greatest commandment, Jesus said, was like the first, Love your neighbor as yourself. While we will still offer online worship for all of our campuses, we have adopted this covenant for those who desire to join us in-person. In-person worship is not mandatory in any way. However, those who choose to join us live for worship are asked to follow these procedures out of love and respect for our neighbor.

  1. If you are sick or have been in contact with someone testing positive, please stay home for 14 days and worship online.
  2. Attendance will be limited to 100 persons per service. RSVP is required through REALM, calling the church office (704-366-1595) or emailing Connie Kramer (  RSVPs will open each Monday prior to the following Sunday worship.
  3. Doors will be opened 30 minutes before each worship service.
  4. No nursery will be available at this time.
  5. All doors will remain open to limit physical touch.
  6. While stairs will be encouraged, the elevator will be available.
  7. Masks will be mandatory. Please bring your own masks.
  8. Temperatures will be checked as people enter the building.
  9. Ushers will seat people from the front of the sanctuary to the back, ensuring that we achieve social distance between families.
  10. Only worship leaders on the chancel will lead worship without masks.
  11. There will only be a verbal sharing of the peace.
  12. Offerings will be received as people exit worship.
  13. There will be no coffee hour before or after worship. Worshippers will be asked to leave the building after the service has ended.
  14. Communion will be distributed outside following worship.
  15. The Sanctuary will be cleaned between services.

We ask that those who choose to join us live for worship be mindful and respectful of these procedures, realizing that we all have different levels of comfort with this virus.  Furthermore, we ask for everyone’s patience and understanding as we figure out how to regather the people of God safely.

I’m looking forward to being reunited as a church once again. This is the first step towards that glorious goal.

Pastor Scott